Hi this is Rod with some very important tips on conserving power
Please share this with any of your friends that are new to camping. With hot weather like we are experiencing today, the AMP usage on the RVs will be abnormally high. Your RV comes with more electrical components than is possible to run at one time on 50amp power, even in the BEST of circumstances. If you try to run your ACs, fridges, water heater, and converter on electricity then breakers will trip, outlets will melt, power cords/adapters will melt, and AC motor windings will melt. I strongly recommend running the water heater and fridge on gas. If you have an outdoor fridge you can also turn that off by flipping the breaker to it. Give the electric side of your RV a break. Buying more propane is cheaper than replacing parts on your RV.

NOTE: If you have a residential fridge in your RV, it may be necessary to only run one AC at a time. If your power cords are getting warm or if breakers start to trip, please try to conserve your electricity in some way.
As always if you have any questions please give us a call or message us on Facebook or on our website. Beulah - 701-873-2103 or Dickinson - 701-483-9844